That's what the last two weeks of my life have been. absolutely crazy busy and then blam! nothin. I'm definitely not meant to have free time, i'm not even sure what to do with myself.
you have no idea what im talking about huh?! ohahaha!
FYI: since our last little chat i have.....
a. sold my house in louisville
b. moved out of my house in louisville
c. moved into a temporary house
d. celebrated the end of medical school
f. All. The. Above....heck yesssss!!
I think that about covers it :)
So besides being uber busy, i've also been living without internet access, which for me is like living without well social contact at the least! I Can't even bum any off of my closest techy neighbors. So much has been going on, so much i want to share and ahhhhhgghhh my hands are tied. Now, i'm forced able to visit my parents house and borrow their internet so for the next few days i'll be catching you up....on how i caught up on my social life, and made up for the past 4 years in a few short days! yay!!
Up first.... bye bye 10737 Colonial Woods Court :(
this was the first house M and i purchased, renovated, and made our home. kinda made me sad to leave it behind. (its that lovely blue one with those awesome hedges out front)
on to the tour....ok i'll preface by saying the picture of the family room is post staging/sale and was taken the day before we moved out so its a hot. mess.
first floor bath. i sure hope the new owner likes that orange color i picked out haha! oh if they'd only seen it when it was bright peach!
the dining room complete with my awesome table and buffet that were my undergrad graduation present. this room was also peach when we purchased the house.
i'm suprised my table wasnt set, it usually is. i think i was forced to pack things away for the "staging"
moving on over to our kitchen which was not peach but one of the many shades of green present in the house. M redid all of those cabinets and did an amazing job! black cabinets, huh. who'd have thought? All his idea though, my little DIYer.
he also redid those floors. fyi: i decided to give this "virtual" tour because i know that i'll never print these pictures out. i should, really i should i know. Maybe one day i'll print this whole blog out that'd be soooo much easier. Y'all see that microwave? MINE!! Allllll mineee :) seriously though. it. is. awesome. you don't believe me? come on over i'll cook ya something....well. it will!
When we moved in the back deck was well, tiny. Oh! and a maroonish/purply color that was u-g-l-y! We chopped that sucker off the back of the house and added this beast which is gorgeous!
i promise we really do take better care of our patio furniture than this.... (move out day). note neighbors remaining purply deck next door. ick! They thought about making us paint this deck that color. Over. My. Dead. Body.
headed downstairs to the office/craft room/storage/laundry room hahahaha! If i'm being completely honest, we didnt actually go down there unless necessary because it became storage. typical.
This is no where near what it looked like, this is after all the crap was moved out! But look how nice i had that storage unit organized :)
i love our modgepodge of furniture.
back upstairs we go....found this pic of the family room from moving day. It's so empty [insert sad face] but its a good picture of the stairs and the organization of the house.
the stairs. oh those lovely stairs. i'll sure miss getting all the way upstairs and then realizing i need a bra from the basement. down and back up 5....then 8....then 14 steps! Sheeesh. Talk about burning some buns, i'm gonna need to find a new workout. Fourth floor, first stop Guest Bedroom. It'll be getting a make over in the new house but i really liked this teal and white bedding from WestElm with my custom/i made it headboard.
I should have taken a picture of the amazing walk in closet but this room is M's so it was probably too messy for a pic. Guest bath/my bathroom....gray was a risk but i ended up really liking it. *sigh* i miss my rainfall shower head.
i dont know why but i didnt take a picture of the hall....note: pale yellow walls with lots of pictures (b&w prints) and black shelving that M hated loved hanging. Last but not least our master bedroom and my closet which i will miss oh so dearly. My big, organized some what clean, hold all my crap closet. *sigh* Note to self: next house= HUGE closets a must.
wow. this is definitely moving day, it seems soooo empty.
this is so weird to see our room like this, without all the clothes on the floor ;) and with all the pictures taken down. no fan in the corner of the room. M has nixed the color blue for our next house, i think he's a little tired of it in the bedroom.
All i can say is this is about the only time we've had our bed made since we've been married. We debated sleeping on the couches so we didnt have to mess it up lol.
When we started "de-personalizing" our home it was so sad for me. It was packing up us, our memories. I'll really miss this house. I wont miss that nasty green carpet all over the place, but i'll miss friends christmas, making M go all the way downstairs for my glasses when i've forgotten them, making him double check all the doors before we go to sleep, even the neighbor playing the piano. I'll miss all the hard work we mostly M, put into the house to make it ours. But, as the hubs's time to move on :) guess i dont have a choice....
catch you at our next latest and greatest venue....
Aww :) I'll miss that guest bedroom! I'm sure the next one will be even better. Ikea soon???
I remembered buying the table and buffet, but had forgotten that it was for your graduation. Guess that makes your medical school graduation gift seem a little small. Sorry.
Love, Mom
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