Thursday, February 17, 2011

and now I have 27

Ok so today I don't look too much better but its post a night float 14 hr shift and it's my birthday. The 2-7. Man, I feel older than dirt. What ammo doing with my life? Perpetual student huh? :-/ {sigh}

27 fast facts I wonder if I can make it...
*I feel really super old and wonder if my HS classmates feel the same
*I'm really in love with the red velvet cupcakes from my work
*I'm beyond tired
*I need an iPad, but the next version can someone call apple for me?
*my shoulder has been hurting for weeks...see I'm falling apart
*I could eat pizza 4 times a week if not more
*my ensemble has been the same for the past 6 weeks day in and day out
*a good eyebrow plucking should be on my birthday to do list
*I desperately need a vacation....April can't come soon enough
*I'm saving money to upgrade my photography equipment and the wait is killing me!
*I love original butts beeswax chapstick
*I delivered 4 babies on Tuesday night
*my favorite color is still green but I do love gray.
*had friends sing happy birthday to me at midnight last night at work
*I'm in the market for a treadmill
*red headed children that I don't know scare me
*my sister in law is pregnant again!!!
*one of my new favorite apps (clearly) is instamatic, if u have it come follow me!! sugarft217...
*I like to dance to Ke$ha in my car
*I have to have a large glass of diet mountain dew every day.
*were going to celebrate my birthday at the garden. Olive that is.
*I'm ready for the next movie in the twilight series to come out
*I'm trying to be a more positive person this year, going with the flow.
*sometimes deliveries make me so happy I start to tear up but hold myself back for fear the patient might think I'm a freak
*over the past 6 weeks I've only seen my husband on Wednesday afternoons and the weekend
*I love my new car....Mazda cx7...but despise how much money I'm spending on gas a week
*I never thought seater heaters could change my life. I was wrong.
....and one to grow on
*I Facebook on the toilet all the time!

Hope everyone has a good day for my birthday cause I'll e sleeping through it and back to work at 5!! :( night night....


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Mom said...

I know you are tired because you typed in "butts beeswax" instead on burts. LOL!


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