After typing this post i pictures huh? i can't let that happen.
{inserting random pictures throughout for your enjoyment}
something to be thankful for.
does that make me a whiner? really? does it? cause thats kinda what i feel like. a run down, needy, whiner. whatever. it happens.
is this a normal post from me? do i always sound like this? maybe its the lack of sleep. maybe its the french toast, diet coke, and mint flavored gum for breakfast. maybe its the charlie horse in my right calf that awoke me from a post call sleep yesterday that seems to be lingering still. i hate that.
maybe i'll just trudge ahead and ramble off my list. my list of things that I want.
1. sleep-i can't even begin to explain how much this has become a necessity in my life. i dont get enough of it during the week, its just not possible. when i do get enough its a painful sleep. seriously. i sleep so hard and for so long that my body hurts, feels like i've been in a car accident when i wake up. so do i get up early? do i make a decision to be a grumpy cranky version of myself or do i deal with the pain? my vote will always be for more sleep.
3. my wedding album-its the never ending quest isnt it? i say its going to happen and it just never does. i've never had so many people ask me if im married, as i have had in the past month. new people, new friends, more people's shocked faces when i respond to "how long have you been married?" with...."four years" The faces look at me like i'm straight up lying. seriously people i really have been married for four years, i married my best friend {who refuses to rub my feet} and we've been together for 11 years. i know its probably more than you can fathom but really, 11 years. I'm shocked he still likes me. after all, i'm pretty annoying. and apparently needy. but back to the pictures. Its like a splinter stuck in an odd place on my body. i forget it about it for awhile, and then bam! all of a sudden it hits me...I want it out! it hurts, its irritating, but more than anything i wanna see what the big deal is....about the splinter i mean. Can't someone just fix that blasted album for me? i've done the majority of the work, but damn if im not a semi/quasi/type a perfectionist when it comes to my pictures. even more importantly, (such awful grammar) i think i'll be dissapointed by them. my taste in pictures has definitely changed over the past four years and i have a more, much more, critical eye. ugh. i'll never have a wedding album will i?
5. A day without plans-does this even exist? when im not working i'm post call which means that day already has plans.....shower sleep eat dinner...go back to bed. So now, on to sunday. today. Today all i wanted to do was nothing. or whatever I wanted, if it was something at all. but after a breakfast made by my wonderful hubby, and a movie--julie and julia--and working on this post for about an hour, i remembered that i have to take another quiz. i used to love sundays. now they are being squashed by these stupid quizzes. note to self: finish your quiz by saturday, thats the new rule so i can have sunday back. i also just remembered that i have to be at a picnic for work.
6. time to take pictures-i have plans. they are going to happen. plans to take beautiful pictures of my college roomie and her cute baby bump. it going to happen, whether she wants it to or not :) luckily i have her sister on my side. and it'll be a chance for me to see a very good friend, who i miss very much, and who lives literally less than a minute and 30 seconds from my house. i've timed it.
7. vacation-i want to go somewhere. away from what i do everyday. somewhere with my hubby, somewhere cool. maybe boston? maybe to cali? who knows i doubt i'll have time to plan it. boo. I hate to waste a perfectly good week of vacation that will be approaching hopefully soon...may the month of august fly by! Lord i can only imagine the scary mess that i will be without a week to myself from late september all the way to april. Winter could be bad very bad.
now that i'm semi relieved of my whining, i think its time to wrap this mess up. i do feel better so thank you for that. I didnt even complain directly about work which is surprising because i had one hell. of. a. night. My first shoulder dystocia, and a post partum hemorrhage all in one night, and am rounding on 24 people in 2 hours. that probably means nothing to you all but i include it in here merely for record keeping. I'll look back three years from now, come across this, read it and think...well all be damn. you survived then so suck it up kid. I love talking to the "past me" lol. Does that make me crazy? so be it.
By the way, If you see my husband {the one who selfishly wont rub my feet} please do give him a hug, or a beer. because God bless him he has to listen to me whine wayyy more than y'all do. He takes the heat every day when i come home from work,
I almost forgot i wanted to come and tell you guys about my dreams that i had the other day, you guessed it one was about my teeth.....coming out like confetti....guess we're back where we started.
peace. e
Erin, I love you and I am praying for you! I can't even imagine what your life is like right now, but remember you are saving lives ALL OF THE TIME! You are bringing new life to this earth! You are a true instrument of God! I know it isn't easy, in fact it is always much easier to see the bad and to complain (which I know you need to do sometimes to just get it out of your system) but I challenge you this week to see the good in everything. Today at church we talked about the spiritual fruit goodness and our pastor asked us to answer the simple question "what's good". You should try to do that, and try to do it everyday (again I KNOW this isn't easy) but I think it will help. I'm going to try and do it too! It will lift your spirits, show you all the things we have to be grateful for and show you how, even though you are working impossible hours and are so tired and hurting, blessed you are.
I love you and I'm praying for you! You can always call/message me if you need to vent! I always have an open ear!!
great comment from Stace. Hang in there I know you can. By the way how is that hubby of yours liking his new job???
You are an AMAZING woman, Erin! Remember that...remember all the good that you do & still with a smile on your face! Remember the happiness you bring to your patients and your your friends & inspire inspire me, with your photography & your zest for life...for the simple things in life! Love ya & Hang in there <3
Erin, Love you and think of you daily. What's up with Matthew and the feet? When he was little he used to love feet!
We know it's hard, but just know that you are doing something good. We are very proud of you. We just miss you. Lucy misses you...and matthew. Hope to see you soon. Love you, erin
I'll rub your feet...and get you new dansko's. I love you and never stop worrying about you.
Love, Mom
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