Here's some info you haven't acquired from me
over the past few months, because i'm a slacker....
Gas has gone from $3.97 down to $1.76 here at our local speedway
After hours and hours and day after day of studying for STEP1, I passed that dang test!
We went to Florida with Matthew's family, it was lots of fun
I started third year of med school in what I thought would be my worst rotation--ob/gyn--which has subsequently ended up being my top choice as of right now for my future career. wierd.
I went to Madisonville, KY for my surgery rotation. I was terrified. I discovered that I ♥ surgery. Seriously.
I took vacation and gave myself a pat on the back for Honoring in Surgery.
Matthew and I went to Washington, DC with our wonderful friends Rob & Julia. We'd never been there. We did a ridiculous amount of walking. I hurt my foot--it got better. While in DC i rode the subway for the first time. I became slightly obsessed with subway pics, you'll see these in a few months, lol.
I came home. Started my pediatrics rotation, eager, willing to learn all I could in my then first choice for my future career.
I get up early for work to vote. My guy loses. I contemplate moving to Russia. Decide its too cold.
Thanksgiving break, then back to the grind. A few hundred asthmatics, earaches, and healthy kids later, i was questioning what i was going to do with my life.
I see two little kids for a "sick visit" they both have scabies and lice. They try to climb in my lap while i'm typing their information into a computer. I feel gross. I dislike their mother.
My next patient is a dirty 3 year old, with a runny nose. He takes everything out of my coat pockets and the mom says nothing. I decide on this day I DO NOT want to do this for the rest of my life. Bye Bye pediatrics. Tear*
I pass pediatrics and head home for Christmas break. I have a WONDERFUL time at home. We put up trees, we wrap presents, we eat til we want to bust.
Matt gets a wii. Matt also gets Rock Band. We start to rock. We get addicted to Rock. Wii love to rock!
Tara's birthday....she turns 20. Habachi grill, erin goes hungry. We head home to ring in the new year. We ring loudly. Dad shoots a sawed off shotgun. We=rednecks :)
Erin didn't get drunk so next day.....feeling good. Matthew....Not so much. Tara....her either.
Erin#2 wants to see a movie. She gives me a book to read. I'm officially addicted to TWILIGHT. I read all day. Tara gets mad. I go see a movie. I have to start book 2.
Break comes to an end, I head home early to decompose and unpack. Tree comes down, decorations packed away, house looks bare, erin is sad.
I start Internal Medicine. First rotation is Gastroenterology/Hepatology. I like the subject, the people are great. I hate the work. I don't know what I'm doing. The days drag on and on and on and on.....I'm not a fan. I'm ready for this 12 weeks to be OVER. Seriously.
first weekend off, Erin works on wedding pictures. *you look suprised* Erin gets a lot accomplished, but still not finished. Matt and erin watch season four of lost and do nothing all weekend. Its a good feeling.
Weeks starts with bad news. Otis King, my aunt leisa's step dad has passed away. Please pray for her and her family. Services are this wednesday.
which brings us here in the present.......
best re-cap, ever. let me know when things slow down for you...we'll try to get together!
miss ya:)
Erin glad you made such a great post. Love hearing from you Love mamaw
So glad to see posts back on your blog. You did such a great job on the photos of Tara and Josh, and Ava.
Miss you.
Love, Mom
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