Saturday, February 12, 2011

do it big.....nooo BIGGER!!

I'm constantly telling people they need to have their images blown up and put on a canvas and FINALLY! Someone listened! Thank you Vanessa and Angie for trusting me that this was going to be Gorgeous!!! and oh how it is....just look!

This was a quick shot I took while at A's recent newborn session because i was shocked to see it up on the shelf front and center in their family room. I love it! I'm obsessed just a little bit with canvas. I want to take so many of my images and print them but i have a hard time narrowing it down to a range that my uhh...budget can handle. I'd LOVE to plaster my office wall with these puppies. Seriously though next time I say get a canvas...just listen to me already :)

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

WOW it looks great :) If anyone is interested, I ordered it from The best part they are always having a sale, most of the time free shipping. Also if you are new they give you a deal that sometimes is better that what they have going on. Plus I was super impressed the way they shipped the canvas.


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