*that's gynecology/oncology
3:30 am: up out of bed, get ready for first day on gyn/onc service (eta: wonderful hubby gets up with me so i don't have to walk out in the dark by myself, well and because we both went to sleep last night at 8:30pm)
4:10 am: leave the house in time to arrive at parking garage by 4:30am
4:30 am: search 8th floor, then 3rd floor labor and delivery for locker room and scrubs
5:00 am: wait patiently on 8south for our intern to arrive. 5 students standing around with absolutely NO idea what to do.
5:30 am: we're told our intern wont be here until we round at 7:15am. So we familiarize ourselves with our new patients, reading charts, doing essentially nothing that is of importance to anyone else. Then we wait around, and we wait, and read, and wait......
...is that the sun coming up?.....and wait.....
9:23am: we go over the patients for today and then start our morning rounds.
10:15 am: rounds over, we're left alone to wait about 20-30 min, then we'll start visiting our patients to check on them and tcb.....surgeries scheduled to start at both 12:30 and another at 1pm.....is anyone else ready for lunch yet????
*dont worry mom, i'm not going to get in trouble we have 30 min of free time. no one trust us enough to give us any responsibilities yet!
eta: 5:00pm : no reason for us to stand around doing nothing, so residents tell us to head home and be back tomorrow and ready to go by 6:15. We get the heck outta there and head home for showers, food, reading to prep for tomorrow, and to bed by 9.
Catch ya on the flip side!
Wow sounds like an early start. Hope you don't fall asleep. You'll get used to it. Now you will be like me and be on the couch by 7
That is way too early. I'll be thinking about you. Good luck.
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