So today is it. My last day to study. I've been up since about 730 doing questions online, and looking at high yield images in my "first aid for boards" book. I'm probably going to do questions until about 5 tonight, look through a high yield buzz word list, and try to relax. Bedtime will hopefully be around 10ish. If not---hello nyquil.
All the recommendations for board study say not to study on the last day but to relax and if you have to, only look over a few the people that write these things know who they are talking to??@!!! Come ON! We're all type A ConTrOL FrEaKS! Go ALL of today without studying??? Are you kidding I write this i feel like information i've crammed in over the past 5 weeks is leaking out my ear :*( thats no good.
So tomorrow is my test and then finally, I am a free woman. Please don't get offended if I don't answer phone calls tomorrow after I'm done, or call anyone. Frankly, I'm probably gonna be wore the heck out after 8 hours of testing. And I'm probably going to be *pissed* (yup i said it, i know....but its probably true!) about how poorly i did. ARGGGHH!!! I already hate this test and I havent even taken it yet. (stay calm, stay calm, stay calm....)
So....better get back to those questions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE say a few prayers for me tomorrow. even just one if ya can. com'mon i pray for you guys all the time :) a few suggestions: confidence, ability to relax, stay focused, read slowly and attentively, trust my instincts, not to be too nervous, to remember everything i've spent so much time learning/relearning, that i dont break down in tears in the middle of the exam, the ability to reason well, and if not, the ability to be a good guesser, and for all of my hard work to pay off!!
Until tomorrow ..... my stomach is in knots, the bathroom is my new best friend, my heart keeps racing, i'm trying not to cry, and forcing myself to avoid a nap. maybe i'll go bead something. lol. hey + sign....still got my sense of humor...I believe that's a "mature defense mechanism for stress" as stated in my review book under the behavior sciences section.......
wish me luck. ♥
ps. a fellow student who has also been studying for boards, lost her father about a week ago and i just found out, so if you can please pray for her too-her name is heather.
I have been and will continue to pray for you. I believe in you, as does everyone else. Remember to believe in yourself. You are just as smart as everyone else in that room...really, you are, or you wouldn't be there!
D.P. says "don't worry chief, you'll do fine. The real test is not as bad as the practice tests."
I'll wait till Friday to call you.
Love, Mom
Good luck Erin! I'll be praying for you...and I'll make sure Rob does too:)
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