Thursday, March 25, 2010

if its from high school, i kept it....bin #7

I was wondering if we had a "whose got the most random thing in their purse contest" if you think i'd win. Becasue i've probably had most of these in a bag or purse at some point in time. which, quiet frankly is a little scary. You all have to let me know, seriously....what item on this list do you think is the craziest thing i've kept? What's the wierdest thing you have set aside, just because there's no possible way you could part with it?

a grinch key chain
a salt shaker
sweet 16 birthday cards
21st birthday cards
my US history notebook
2 golf balls, one from virginia, one from church camp circa '96
a "yield to the princess keychain"
2 forks

a smurf
a hurdy gurdy that plays "when you wish upon a star"
organic chemistry note cards
a wooden purse from Bali
an autographed volleyball
one ballet slippers
some art work, one piece which i'd like to hang

some of those melted bead crafts....
you know put the beads on the pegs, cover with wax paper and melt with an iron
a Hollywood license plate that was purchased in Hollywood, CA

newpapers from the death of the pope, the capture of saddam hussein 

a porcelain cup from Holland
my assignment book from freshman year--the year matthew and i started dating

glow in the dark puffy paint
two gallon size plastic bags full of 'notes' from H.S.

an old "boyfriend" box
a gold sequined head band 
*what else would i do with this besides wear it around my house??
mini puzzle of a cat

love letters--did we even know what that was?? Its a good feeling though, a real, handwritten profession of love. man i miss that, maybe that's part of the spark of hs and first loves. i miss those days.

a box of teeth. thats right's my baby teeth! 
*I have since finding these, solicited information from a very reliable source that this is in fact a normal thing to keep. My husband however disagrees, he thinks its crazy, like i'm a serial killer kind of crazy. Said reliable source also confirmed that had they not been in a jewelry box, which was stolen, a certain hubby would have his baby teeth set aside too!

a rock collection
the one purple caboodle that i refuse to get rid of (come on the caboodle is a classic, and i only kept one. that's right. You all know you had tons of caboodles, even the off brand ones, the big ones, the little ones...full of valuable crap. ha!
a harmonica
a vintage frog pin *I LOVE THIS! I knew i kept it for a reason, but especially since im on a vintage jewelry kick....what a find!!
musical birthday card from 1993....that still plays "happy birthday to you" I played it a couple hundred times just to annoy the hubby and then tossed it. 

a bag of necklace charms
an Ernie from sesame street keychain
33 keychains overall, and 22 pins

 1 broken watch
2 plastic eggs, with tiny toys in them from the inside of German Chocolate easter eggs from Germany!
a beta card, a ptsa card, & an fbla card
I had to uhhh, ya know...have these on hand in case anyone ever wanted to check my credentials bahaha

every letter from every pen pal i've ever had...seriously...from florida, japan, china, africa, california, new york, alaska,  letters i got at church camp...

an excuse note that my dad wrote on a napkin, when i had to miss school for a funeral. this one was a little sad for me, but it made me smile too. It was from Lauren Gabbard's funeral. Dad and i went and it was so sad to see that family bury their little girl at only 12 years old. I remember spending the morning with dad, and then we went to gold star for lunch, just the two of us. It was nice. I'm sure we were in a hurry because dad had to work, and i was supposed to be at school but we were goofing around (nooo, not us...) and got on the subject of welcome back kotter and thus, the excuse note....

note cards with cheers on them. i thought i'd share some of my cheerleading expertise with ya'll sooo.... (say these in your best annoying, sing songy, high pitched voice)

"____ is my name and football is my game, 
i got boys on my mind and cheering all the time. 
i said check it out 1-2, check it out 1-2!"

"Steelers gonna set the pace gonna crack yo face
gonna pick ya up, twirl ya around, 
stomp that team right to the ground!"

"2x4 is half of 16...
all for the raiders stand up and lean.....
aaaahhhh lean lean lean 
aaahh lean lean aah lean WHOOOO!!"

Ok. if you were able to get through those 3 in an accurate manner, with appropriate whoo'ing, and a little attitude then you know that was seriously fun. Live performance of these can and will be done, upon request! hahahaha! Go ahead, for those of you that would like to try again....i'll wait. 


Amanda said...

Erin, I seem to remember the gold head band. Didn't that go with pants that were like black and white checkered pattern?

Anonymous said...

Salt shaker and forks! I don't know Erin but I do think that's a little strange to find in all your stuff. I love reading the long list.

Mom said...

Who keeps US History notes?


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