Monday, March 15, 2010

seriously? again?

If this is your first time reading about, the dream then i apologize. if this is your umpteenth time reading about it, again...sorry. eta: i just realized that i've also blogged about the dream here. thats four guys know, it happens every time i have something stressful coming up in my life.  Last night, definitely stressful. Today at noon on the dot, i was to find out if I had a residency spot for the next four years. Just like every other fourth year medical student in the country. If you don't "match" to a program then you go into a scramble for 2 days to try to find an open spot anywhere in the country. eeeeeekkk.

Last night i'm drifting off to sleep....i stayed up late just so i could sleep in as close to noon as possible... and i'd had a LOT of chocolate and diet coke, so i thought sleep was literally the impossible dream. But, like i said, i was drifting and soon found myself on something the equivalent to a field trip? I dunno. I was in a dark room and i remember my camera feeling really light, which worried me that it was broke. I saw a picture that i supposedly took, but then i realized i was in the picture with two other people. I dont know who they were. I began searching for missing pieces and moved to a lighter room. I saw all these little girls changing, i think they were changing into costumes like for a dance recital. i know this is strange right?

{Pause} right now, those of you who know about "the dream" are probably a little confused. You're thinking, wait this isn't how it usually goes. I KNOW RIGHT?!! don't worry i'm getting there tho...

i moved into a bathroom, away from everything and everyone. It wasn't bright, and it wasn't pretty, but it wasn't an ugly room either. It was there in the bathroom [which now that i think about it, it usually ends up there huh?] ....i began losing tiny pieces [again with the tiny pieces] of a small tooth in the bottom left of my mouth. no molars this time? nope, just a little one. I began spitting them out as usual, lots and lots of pieces, more than one tooth should consist of. I didn't catch any of them this time, i didn't have an urgency to save them. I was just trying to wash my mouth out. Why not save them this time? I wasn't worried. I saw a new adult tooth poking out around the broken tooth and i knew that I didn't need those pieces anymore, that i could lose them and I had a new tooth coming in and it was solid. In fact i remember trying to get more of the loose pieces out so I could be rid of them.

That was it. I woke up, some what mad, somewhat comforted. Mostly, i just wanted to remember the dream to share it with you guys. It was good. I'm okay with it. Isn't it strange how this dream changes and means something different every time? fyi: looked it up one more time, dreams about losing your teeth are associated with anxiety and are common. really?

Oh you guys probably want to know if i got a job right? well yes. I MATCHED!!!!! YESSS!!! Now we just have to wait for thursday to find out where matthew and i will be living for the next four years. Cross your fingers it's where we are hoping for!

1 comment:

Stace said...

Hey! I've also had dreams before about my teeth falling apart or being pulled from my mouth. I read somewhere that that could mean you are worried about how people look at you...I don't really think that is what I fear because I don't care what others think...but that's what I read. Maybe your dream (this time) was you freaking about your residency and what did all the people on your interviews think of you and what not but your new tooth growing in was possibly you knowing everything would be okay and would work out the way God wanted...? Maybe that's stretching it, but it's what I thought so I thought I'd tell ya...that's why you share these things in your blog right? So you get our feedback!? Well now your fed! And I'm so glad you got placed at home! Love ya girl!


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