Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Weekend UpDate!?

It's Wednesday Erin! Yeah yeah I know. Well, I've been busy ok? We did so much socializing this weekend we needed a few more days to rest. I can't believe its almost been a week since my last post, shame on me. Well lets see here, between starting the next block of classes and almost being sucked up by tornadoes every other night it's been pretty hectic lately. I wouldn't really expect anything less :)

So last night a rough and tumble storm came through the louisville, metro area. I tried to go to bed around 10 because I had to get up early today for a preceptorship but, around 12:30 I sat straight up in bed! The wind was going CRAzY and I really thought our windows were going to blow in. In fact, before my fear of dying over came my laziness, I actually thought to myself...maybe I should roll over and face the other way in case the windows shatter, then atleast I wont get glass in my eyes...IdiOt! Obviously, I wasnt really thinkin to clear. Matthew came in the room a few seconds later with a "uh, you might want to come downstairs." It was in one of those, "hey here's a suggestion but not really" kind of voices. Calm enough to make you panic a little inside, especially when immediately after that, the storm sirens started going off, which happen to be at the top of our street. Felt like I was in the middle of a war and I needed to find a desk to hide under!! Meanwhile, as I'm gathering a blanket and pillow and heading downstairs to the basement I hear our patio furniture slide across the deck and something of the neighbor's fell off her deck and broke. We put the tv on downstairs to see the local area covered with a big red/purple/orange blob with the weather guy saying "if you are in the downtown area, and southeast side of louisville you should seek shelter immediately!" FAN-TAS-TIC! I call Marissa who is currently covered by the red blob on the tv, to make sure she's alive. She lives on the third floor of an apartment building, at the edge of a huge open field....i suggested taking herself and the puppy addie, along with a comforter and a pillow, and sleeping in the bathtub. It was pretty scary for about an hour. Well, I was scared, matthew wasnt. He'd probably been watching the weather all day. After we were in the clear we headed back upstairs to bed, it took me awhile to calm down and I finally fell asleep around 2ish. Around 2:30ish...I get multiple text messages from Tara whose now receiving the same storm only down in Richmond. They made them go to the first and second floors of telford and she was flippin' out. I think I fell back asleep mid-text. Sorry Tara :(

**I know I'm a dork and it took me forever to find this
on the national weather service's website but look at that! CraZy!!**

I feel like I've been in a whirl wind since last thursday. Block exam was thursday, then the NBME Shelf exam was on friday. After two days of testing I definately need to go out and have a little fun. Mind you, I was so tired I really wasnt planning on staying out past 1 at the latest. Oh...funny how those plans NEVER pan out! But I had a great time. We went to Howl At The Moon with matthew's mom, my two old cheerleading coaches and matt's cousins and aunt. They were celebrating a certain someone's 50th birthday. It was hilarious. The "green alligators, and long neck geese, humpty-back camels, and some chimpanzee..." song may have been involved, and the girls may or may not have been a little ticked off about not winning the "Unicorn". it was a huge communal bucket of alcohol, with excessively long neon straws in it! But, they soooo should have won!

After Howl At the Moon, Matthew, Erica and her friend from work, and I headed upstairs to some wierd club I cant even remember the name. I forgot how sketchy bars can be at 3am. And I'm pretty sure this was just a regular bar, but it did however have an elevated stage with stripper poles on it. Many a fine ladies were takin' advantage of those, let me tell ya!

Saturday....I slept all day, and matthew dragged himself to work. That night my friend Lucy had a dessert party. It was fabulous. I made some easy cheesecake brownies but there were so many creative desserts there. We stuffed ourselves full to the brim with yummy goodies and played some hard core rounds of Scategories. I'd also like to point out that Matthew and I kicked everyone's booty!

Ahh Sunday....a day of rest. Well, sorta. We slept as long as we could, absolutely NO Alarms which was a great feeling. Once we got up Matthew started making the Buffalo Chicken Dip for the superbowl party at Marjorie's house. (Mom, he's made that dip about 4-5 times now, sometimes just to eat for dinner!) We headed downtown to Marj's house of course very close to game time. We got there and what else? Ate until we felt like we were going to explode. It was a good game even though we missed half time and the third quarter. The basement tv reverted to "Guitar Hero" and "Rock Band" at half time. It was HILARIOUS! Matthew and Clint sang lord knows what song, completly off key practically screaming, switching between the microphone, the guitar and the drum set. Which by the way, Marjorie played the drums on expert...holy hannah, It was amazing! I think we all just stood there and stared with our mouths open.

In leiu of superbowl sunday, we also had mini dog fights going on in the basement, I offered to be the bookie and start taking bets but we're all poor med students so no takers! :) I think matthew and I must have missed the bring your doggie memo. Marj has two dogs, Cory brought Max, Amanda brought the black and white puppy Gatsby, and Jenna brought Bruiser-but it was a little high stress for him so he never left her lap!

Needless to say, it was crazy in that house but we had a blast. See it's almost like we were at the Superbowl, hi-def what?! GooooOOOooOOO GIANTS!!!

That should just about sum up the past week. I promise I wont go that long again :) Have a fantastic Thursday! For anyone who's going to be in NKY this weekend, we'll be heading home so give us a call if you want to meet up. *Dont forget to check out the pics of the day on my other blog.


Anonymous said...

Been catching up on your blog. I'm so glad you have a great group of friends in Louisville.
P.S. You would make a terrible nurse...why...because you would be so frustrated taking orders from doctors that you know do not care about the patients the way you do...and her are not as smart as you. Don't give up. You WILL be a fantastic doctor.
Mom a.k.a. "frustrated nurse"

Anonymous said...

We should have won that unicorn, but thank goodness we didn't. It was bad enough the next day.


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