Friday, February 29, 2008

28 plus twenty-four

(i wonder if there's an actual official
celebratory phrase that should be used today?)
Can you believe you have 24 whole EXTRA hours of LIFE this year? Everyone's always griping about time going by too fast, or not having enough time to finish things or do what we want....well today is the day my friend!

29 things you can do with your extra "twenty-four"
1. Do something for YOU! (This is not so much a suggestion but a request/demand, come on a whole extra day...take advantage of that, and take care of you for once!)

2. Send someone a card... You got the time, and think how excited they'll be to get snail mail, nonetheless, from you :)

3. Take a Nap... and NO feeling guilty, you can do whatever you want today is "free" time

4. Make a to-do-list or cross somethings off of an existing one... for those of you who simply can not take a break.

5. Call someone you haven't spoken to in the last week, month, year... just to say hi and catch up.

6. Take an extra long hot shower, or soak in the tub... again, if not today when else will you have time?

7. Go out to lunch with someone you love ...and don't feel an ounce of guilt for "taking up" someone's table longer than you normally would.

8. Sit down and start that book, blog (*cough*), scrapbook, project, etc. that you've been meaning to get to for so long.... and just "haven't had the time"

9. Have a movie marathon or watch trash tv all day (you know the ones i'm talkin' about)

10. Plan something ahead of time.... for instance, plan out 5 ideas for "date nights" with your sweetie. That way if you find yourself in the near future with a spare night, but dont feel like making plans, Ta-Dah! Already done. Grab and go!

11. Cook a meal you've been to afraid to try, or one that takes a little longer than usual to prepare ... (haha, i just thought to myself "so like something frozen that cooks in the oven for 30-40min instead of 8-12?")

12. Make or purchase a present for someone ... think working on a scrapbook for someone else, filling in a baby book or pregnancy journal, printing pictures for a friend, shopping for birthday/wedding/shower gifts ahead of time, or cooking goodies like brownies for a friend whose having a rough week.

13. Start a "Bucket List" ...try to shoot for 25-50 things you'd like to do before you, you know...kick the bucket!

14. Have play time with a baby or toddler... not entertain them so they stay quiet, or keep them preoccupied, or pacify them playtime, but let's play because i love you time.

15. Take a road trip.... to another state, to a friend's house, back home, away from home, towards the mall, or to no place in particular.

16. Play a sport that you enjoy but put on the back burner... again, because you dont have the time. Examples: Tennis, biking, running, volleyball, a pick up game with the family, toss a football, go bowling, hopscotch (dont laugh, have you ever taught your grandkids, or your kids how to do it? hello! Kids love sidewalk chalk, keeps 'em busy for hours!)

17. Call a grandparent with a random question or ask them to tell you a story about something, and then write it down so you can look back on later... (i must impress at this point, that if you havent spoken to a grandparent/parent in the past week this has now become the only mandatory thing you should do today. shame on us.)

18. Check in on your kiddos ....friendly conversation, quality time together, or responsible stalking via myspace, facebook, text, etc. Whatever your style may be.

19. Make a list of 29 reasons YOU are AMAZING ....seriously, we never do this. And why not? we like to lift other people up when they are having bad days so why not do the same for yourself, you deserve it. Heck you need it! Then on those really, really crappy days when you feel like you are seriously doing nothing right...look at your list and it'll remind you "hey i am amazing, actually i'm pretty fabulous!"

20. Sit on the toilet. No really. Make time for this ....when was the last time you weren't in a hurry when you were in there? Come on by the time the cheeks hit the seat, the body has just enough time to realize it's game time and you're already up washing your hands! I know you all think i'm crazy, i'm ok with that. But seriously, take a book, magazine, newspaper whatever and sit on the toilet, give youself a little time.

21. Call and set up all those yearly appointments (Doctor, Dentists, eye doctor, female exams, colon checks, accountants, turning in dates for vacation at work, vacation reservations, licensure requirements, pet vet visits) ....look at you, gettin' things done. Think about all the stress you'll save when you're not having to call and schedule those last minute.

22. Get Drunk. ....this suggestion cracks me up! i asked people around school today..."if you weren't studying for our test next week, or going to class and you could do whatever you wanted right now, what would you do?"....this was overwhelmingly the response i received!

23. Have Sex!! ....don't judge me, you may not have been thinking about it before but you know now you're totally thinkin..."well maybe. when was the last....."

24. Treat your car to a little lovin' know you've neglected it the past few months. Get that oil changed, tune it up, rotate those tires, give her a bath.

25. Go to that Museum, Art Gallery, New Restaurant, Boutique, or Park that you drive past everyday and think "i wonder who actually goes there?" ....stay for 20 minutes or stay all day, no obligations those 24hours are all yours!

26. Play a board game ....when else are you gonna have the available hours that it takes to actually finish a game of Monopoly?

27. Clean out that closet ...take an hour and try some things on you havent worn in awhile, if they dont fit or you no longer like them then, pitch 'em or donate them. Thinking well... i might wear that again? nope you wont! What if i lose weight? hello?? if ya do then reward yourself for that hard work and purchase new ones! you're still given those clothes the boot and you can now proceed to your favorite store and purchase a new article of clothing.

28. Daydream, Pray, Meditate, stare off into space ...anything that'll give your brain and all its crazy thoughts a rest. I never really give my brain a vaca. I'm sorry brain, you my dear friends are over worked and under appreciated. Take the day off. I insist.

29. Don't just read this list and think, oh that's a great idea! or oh, i'd love to do that! or oh i need to do that, i'll make time this weekend! HELLLLLOOOooOOO......FREE DAY HERE! 24 Hours you didnt get last year and won't get next year! I know it's tough. We don't really understand what "Free Time" really is. Trust me on this, if nothing else try to do AT LEAST One thing you normally wouldn't make time for. You don't have to use the whole 24 if you dont want, feel free to take a few hours. I know.... "24 whole hours for me to do what I want? holy crap that's scary. i dont know what to do with that! Is this a joke? I'm not sure i really understand. That whole I wish I had the time to do ______ request has been answered?"
Answer: YES!! It has so DONT WASTE IT!! :) What a gift!

*for those of you thinking.....well crap. it figures doesn't it? i get an extra 24 hours, plenty of ideas of what to do with it and here it is, half the day gone already. Maybe next time?? No. No. No. and NOOO! Feel free to take the rest of the day to be busy, hurried, stressed, with no time to eat, sleep, shower, breathe.....and push those free 24 hours to tomorrow, NO EXCUSES!!

Note: This is your last chance for
Guilt Free YOU time,
24 completely FREE hours, extra even....
until 2012!

Seriously. Go. Do something. Anything. Nothing. Whatever you want! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good list Erin! I'm going to go to dinner with some friends to celebrate our extra time!! love ya!!



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