Tuesday, April 29, 2008


wow. we look like babies!
Engagement Party 6.25.05
Its so wierd to think that we got engaged three years ago! Where did the time go? I found this on one of my jump drives. Its journaling that I wrote shortly after we got engaged to put in our scrapbook and to include on our wedding page at The Knot. It was fun to read so I thought you all might enjoy it. For those that weren't there, this is our engagement story--Enjoy!


Matthew & Erin
Engaged 4-30-05

Matthew and his friend Brent saw their graduations drawing nearer and decided it would be really cool to take a flight somewhere and to go out to eat. Brent's fiancĂ© Emily and I were both a little, ok a lot, scared to go flying in Matthew's tiny plane. I had never even seen Matthew fly and Emily isn’t a big fan of flying, but we sucked it up because we love our boys.
When the day of the trip arrived we boarded the plane, took off (terrified I might add) and we were headed for Dayton, OH…or so I thought. We were flying over Falmouth, KY and then Brent pointed out that he could see I-75. I looked out the plane and began recognizing things..Flying J...Walton...I even pointed out where I lived to Emily. I had no clue. Then, I saw Matthew's old house with a bunch of cars there. I said "Hey, they're having a party without us!" ha ha, then I saw something on the ground and Matthew tilted the plane as we went over the front yard and I saw "
MARRY ME" spelled out in flashlights. It was beautiful! I didn’t think it was for me at first, then Matthew turned around and said "What does that say baby? Will you marry me?" (Yes, he was supposed to be flying the plane) As I said YES! and we were lovingly staring into each others' eyes Emily was freaking out because the plane was descending slightly! So I grabbed the ring and told Matthew to turn around and fly.
The whole thing was surreal but it was so perfect.
Once we were under control Matthew turned around again to kiss me but our seatbelts created a small problem. It was a funny sight to see us trying to reach each other. After flying around to look at the lights three times we had to return to Falmouth because it was
getting really dark and the lights weren’t on at the airport.
When we got to Matthew's new house I made him put the ring on my finger and we finally got in a good hug and kiss. Inside, both our families, our friends, and to my surprise some of my Delta Zeta sisters were all there waiting to celebrate with us. It couldn't have been more perfect. Matthew did a wonderful job and let's just say my first flight with him will be one
I will NEVER forget :)


...man how time flies! Thank you for such a sweet memory hubby♥


Anonymous said...

I will never forget it either. One of the best nights of my life.
Love you, Matthew

sara said...

Dang! Somebody's campaigning for husband of the century! I'm freaking crying! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

We were all excited on the ground! I think we raised a pretty neat son and now we have a great daughter in law. We love you both.

Anonymous said...

I knew I saw the plane descending a little...Matt's Dad convinced me I was imagining it!!!LOL.
Love, Mom


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