Sunday, April 27, 2008

Autism Speaks

Pediatrics Club Meeting 4.7.08
Alison, Erin, Michala, Jami, Dr.Patel, Emlyn

In case you didn't know April is
Autism Awareness Month,
So read on...

Meet my new friend, Michala. She and her family have been touched by Autism, and she's beading bracelets (a girl after my own heart!) to sell and to raise money for Autism treatments, and an Autism center here in Louisville. You might be thinking, awww...that's sweet. But, you have NOOOO idea! We had Michala and her mom Emlyn come and speak at our last pediatrics club meeting. Michala's brother Evan has autism and in order to bring a new and expensive treatment to Kosair Children's Hospital for him, they needed to find $200,000. Leave it up to this incredible 11 year old to raise that money. Unbelievable! And she did. All of it.

Ok. So that left arm, Michala's personal bracelets--not for sale! Right arm, she did say if she needed to she'd sell these :)

Now, her brother is receiving the glutathione treatments he needs and is reportedly a new child, who plays and communicates with his family better, and who has since receiving the treatments even been able to go to the movies. I can't explain on here how incredible this young woman is and how touching her family's story is. Emlyn gave a wonderful testimony to our peds club on how Autism has affected their family. It definitely drove home the human aspect of medicine and how a single diagnoses can change an entire family dynamic.

Michala and Emlyn

What I admire most about Michala is her drive and her determination, and her selfless attitude. This girl isn't messing around people. She received some local media attention while raising the $200,000 and from there she headed to The Ellen Degeneres Show, Good Morning America, and recently received a Kentuckian of the Year award. My favorite thing about Michala is that this endeavour wasn't a one time thing for her.

There was so many people waiting to buy the bracelets we had to dump them out on three tables!

I bought some of these beauties for myself :)

When a reporter asked her "what are you going to do once you reach your goal of $200,000 will you stop beading the bracelets or do something else?"
Michala replied "I'm going to raise money to build an Autism center in Louisville"
Both of Michala's parents were impressed by this answer but thought nothing of it, until Michala was repeatedly giving this answer to everyone that asked the question "what's next?"
When they confronted her and asked what was with the answer, Michala informed them she was serious, she really is going to raise enough money to build an Autism center here in Louisville! This is no joke and this girl is so determined, I KNOW she really will have that center built.

I think we did a pretty good job helping Michala sell some of those bracelets!

Supra was pretty excited about her bracelets

I wish all of you could meet her. Here are some pictures from the pediatrics club meeting. Michala hasn't had a website of her own, but hopefully we can get her up and running with a blog very soon so she can have an online diary of all the places she's traveling and the great things she's doing to raise money for Autism. (I know people, give me some time and I'm gonna have everyone I know blogging...I ♥ it!) As soon as we get her site up I'll put it on here so you can stop by :)

I asked Michala how crazy it is at her house with all these beads, and she said they dont really have a dinning room anymore because the table is covered with beads and bracelets. Emlyn added that they find beads all over their house. Beading can't be done in the kichen because they have a small trampoline for Evan in there! Sounds like a great place to me :)

Michala with her Pediatrician who said "I think you are my most famous patient now!"

If you want to learn more about Michala and her efforts you can visit her site via Kosair Childrens Hospital by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post, or you can google "michala riggle". If you want to help out you can purchase some of Michala's bracelets or you even help her make them. If you help make them , you'll officially become one of Michala's "peeps" :)

What a star! Michala's local news spot tells it all....

Click here for Michala's GMA spot...

Here, for The Ellen Show...

And Here, for her site via Kosair Children's Hospital. This is the site to go to if you want to order bracelets, make a donation, or learn more about the Riggles' story.

Pictures of Michala and family taken by Tim Webb Photography

Another blog of note for me to read, who posted about Michala

I'm telling you, she's EVERYWHERE and She is not giving up anytime soon.

Now that's my idea of christian heart. It's always through the kids isn't it?

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