Sunday, April 27, 2008

Out of Hibernation

Shew. I'm back. After a very LOOOONG week of studying, I finally finished up my last block exam and my last shelf exam of my pre-clinical years!!! Whoo hoo! I got to thinking the other day, and I remembered when people would ask me about school and how difficult it was and I'd say..."If I can just make it through the first two years, I think I'll be fine." Holy Hannah! Those two years are almost over. Did I really make it? almost. (Which I've been told only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades right?!) I still have a month of hard core studying for my Step 1 Board Exam, which I take on June 5th. Yikes! Scary thought. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it. *new mantra* So now I'm thinking...."If I can just make it through the next two months, I'll be good."

Mom is in florida right now with Grandma Evelyn and Aunt Denise, and the sun shine. I'm jealous. Although, I must say the weather here lately has been A-MA-ZING! I spent the end of last week studying outside as much as possible. I hope it sticks around for a little longer...sunshine and cool breezes :)

Friday night after my exam was over I packed up some stuff and hurried to old Rich-Vegas for one last hoorah with some of my girls. The class of women that I was new member educator for had their senior night and I suprised them by coming down to go out with them. I took a TON of pictures, of course, so some of those will probably be the picture of the day.

Speaking of....Pictures. And lots of them. Hmmm....I know it seems like I've forgotten about the Picture of the Day, or that I'm really really behind but I didn't. There are actually pictures waiting to be uploaded on my camera but unfortunately they have to stay there until there's some room for them on the PC. Matthew ordered me an external hard drive the other day because my computer has started to slow down to a ridiculous speed and I just did a disk clean up to get some free space and found a whopping 246mb. For those of you not so much computer savy that's only a hand full of pictures for me, like less than 50 until my entire computer's memory is full. Most programs require free memory to run sooooooooo....we're waiting to avoid a computer melt down.

Met up with my good friend Erica and her baby Laila, yesterday in Lexington. We went out to eat and then to Jacobson park to take some pictures. It was great catching up and being outside in the wonderful weather. I hope I got some cute shots. Last night Erica called me to tell me she was watching the news and a little kid was bit by a dog at Jacobson park around 3pm, the same time we were there. I decided Laila knew something bad was a brewin' which is why she didn't want to play on the playground. She would get along great with my momma, Laila's not big on playing but put her on a walking path and she'll walk around all day...perfect!

On that note, I have some GREAT pictures from last night. Matthew and I went out to the fair/expo center to watch a hotair balloon race. It was so cool. Seriously, I felt like a little kid. I've never seen a hotair balloon in person is that wierd? They have to blow up the balloons, get them up in the air and head to the spot and all of that is part of the race. It was exciting. Which would be clearly evident if I could post a picture on here but again--no room. I took over 260 pictures so I can't wait to weed through them. It was a BEAUTIFUL night and the colors of the balloons were incredible. Maybe later today when the computer is cleaned up a bit (we're currently as I type transfering unnecessary files from my computer to matthew's desk top) I'll post a picture or two of all this stuff I'm teasin' ya with :)

Well I've been absent for awhile but hopefully you didnt think we ran away! I'll be back again soon ♥

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