Saturday, January 26, 2008

i know it could be worse, but it still sucks

Obviously i havent had time to post lately. and I bet you thought i gave up on my pseudo-new year's resolution of taking a photograph a day....but dont worry i didnt. i just havent posted them yet so be prepared for a lot of pics at once, eventually. this post is probably going to be a bit erradic and hurried. i have about 3 hours of pharmacology studying to get through in about the next two hours. i've gotten a lot of studying in today but not near enough. Block exam is T minus 4 days, and pathology national shelf exam is 5 days away!!! holy hannah! (note: freaking out as i finish typing, it seems more real when its written down)
my body still hates me. for those that i havent talked to lately i'm really sorry. i'm not being lazy i promise. i have had SoOOOoo much going on lately. i had been in some pretty crappy discomfort since about last friday. if you remember, i felt like someone had hit me in the kidneys with a baseball bat??!! yea.... uh....that never really went away. So i've been debating all week on whether or not to go to the ER. took medicine and felt a little better for short periods of time, worked out and felt a little better. That didnt really last long. finally on friday, after starting to breathe shallow and still getting really wierd numbing sensations on my side, and then getting sharp pains by my spleen and kidney, i figured i should go to emergent care to atleast make sure my spleen wasn't about to explode (that's what it felt like). The doctor was having a really hard time figuring out what was wrong with me. DUH!! He asked me oodles of questions and finally said, well your not very helpful. Really? thanks. If i could have figured out what my symptoms were leaning towards i woudnt have come! I mean seriously, my pda got more action in the past week looking up symptoms and possible diagnoses than it has since i started med school. Finally, after they did a urine analysis and found tiny/trace amounts of blood in my urine, he decided i should get a CT scan to see if there was anything going on. We waited and he finally told us that there wasnt anything and the CT looked normal to the radiologist. kidney stone but i'm not entirely convinced. Talked to the path resident that i've been studying with and she said my diagnosis of "Costochondritis" wasnt really a good one and that a kidney stone if early could be radiolucent and not show up on the CT. Same thing the mama said. Costochondritis is an inflammation of my cartilage attaching all my ribs together. But, its supposedly is mostly in the area attaching the ribs to the sternum in the middle of the chest, not on the side where I'm hurting. Regardless, i'm taking a LOT of Motrin (dr approved amount), and still drinking a ridiculous amount of soft drinks *sigh*. Summary, i still feel like crap and i have a TON of studying still left.
Upside of the week......after studying from 8-5 on thursday we had a movie night with the girls. We kinda all felt like we deserved it and it was our last "break" before we locked ourselves up to study for a week. We went to dinner at Cheddar's and then had a 2.5 hr break, i went to barnes and noble to study, then met up again at 10 to see "27 Dresses" which is SUPER cute! I loved it :) Highly recommend seeing it with girlfriends, even though its not completely a "chick" flick.
Matthew is watching all the presidential primary crap, i'm so sick of hearing about all of it. it's really irritating and i just saw a reporter with THE worst spray tan, or makeup job one. Better get upstairs and get on that Pharm. Out of about 80 drugs that matthew was asking me about last night with my flash cards, i knew max. 5!! Yikes! next post will be much more interesting maybe even pics :)
*I dont usually pray for myself, but tonight I'm gonna ask for a little strength and Sanity!* ♥
ps. In case my mamaw reads this....sorry i used the word "suck" in the title, i know its not lady like ;)


sara said...

way too many medical terms in this post for me! i had to run and get a glass of wine to quiet my nerves after i read CT Scan! yikes!
hope the pain goes away! good luck on your tests.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck on all of your tests sissy, you'll do great so stop stressing out! Hope you start feeling better.. remember my offer ;)
Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin, glad you had a great birthday and hope you got the camera you wanted...reading all this stuff and seeing the pictures are are so witty and creative...wonder where you got that from????love ya, grandama, EV


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